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  • mckennakostyszyn

Blog Week 3

This week I scheduled two interviews. I learned some great skills of how to deal with rejection. My two interviews are both with rehabilitation places where they get people back on their feet. I also learned how to turn a no into networking. I got both of my interviews because two professionals I got rejected by suggested other professionals for me. This really made me realize that rejection isn’t always a bad thing it really could be for the better and benefit you even if they can’t do an interview themselves. This week I also read an article about a person with an unknown disorder mainly associated with desire to cause destruction who coped with illegal substances. This article really lead me on a path of where I think I should further my research. Considering that most addicts have some sort of mental disorder already really leads me to believe that they are using substances to cope. I really am going to try to find articles on why mentally ill people turn to alcohol or drugs to cope. I also would like to research more on how these people are medicated pre addiction formed. Overall I believe this week was the first week I really jumped into ISM feet first. I am looking forward to the business symposium and improving my networking skills. 

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