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Week 27 E-Learning

This past week I have been preparing to record my "final product' which is basically me giving my four key points a explanation and...

Week 26 E-learning

This past week in ISM I researched a lot about how to maintain a audiences attention. I did this by watching several ted talks and taking...

Week 25 E- Learning

This past week in ISM has been kinda stressful. I say stressful in the fact that at this point this class feels so inconclusive. I feel...

E-Learning Week 23

This past week in ISMI have actually gotten a lot done despite the E-Learning barrier. I have made a lot of self reflections this past...

E-Learning Week 22

This past week we found out that we will still not be back in school till May 4th. That is crazy to me. I miss school and having a...

Extended E-Learning/Week 21

This past week in ISM has been pretty boring and uneventful. This past week I have done a lot of research over the four main concepts...

Week 19

This past week in ISM I have definitely had to do some souls searching. I had lost a lot of passion and interest in my field. I was very...

Week 18

This week in ISM I have really started diving in head first to my Original work. I have started researching my curriculum and started...

Week 17

This past week in ISM. We have really been getting back on track with what we are supposed to be doing. We went over kind of a few...

Week 16

This past week has been all about shifting our mindset from original work and winter showcase to thinking about final products. I spent...

Week 15

This past week I wrote a recap on the kids group therapy session at Grace of change. I also thought long and hard about what I'd like to...

Week 14

This week in ISM was so so very stressful. It was the week our original work was due. I was excited but also so nervous at the same time....

Week 13

This week in ISM our original work is due. YAY!!! I feel like I have been working so hard to this moment I am really nervous but I also...

Week 12

This past week in ISM was pretty relaxed ,but at the same time stressful. It was thanksgiving break so I finished up some research...

Week 11

This past week and ISM was really really good for me. I was presented with the task of giving a 10 minute speech to my class. When I...

Week 10

This past week in Ism has been quite busy. We had to research assessments to do last week which I actually got a lot of good information...

Week 9

This past week has been one that definitely tried and challenged me. I was extremely stressed this past week about finishing assessments...

Blog Week 8

This past week in ISM I gave my mentor my packet and she officially agreed to being my mentor. That for me was so exciting I am so glad I...

Blog Week 7

week-7-This past week I wrote a recap on the kids group therapy session at Grace of change. I also thought long and hard about what I'd...

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