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  • mckennakostyszyn

Week 25 E- Learning

This past week in ISM has been kinda stressful. I say stressful in the fact that at this point this class feels so inconclusive. I feel like with the end of normal school it feels so sad to end ISM like this. I am really sad I didn't decide to take it next year because I just feel such sadness in my heart that this is how my ISM year was. This past week I continued to develop my event plan and tried to make it more specialized to what it would have been like. I wish that this still could have happened I am so sad that ,y final product will never get to truly be seen in all its glory. It had so much potential and I really was just hoping to impact just one person. Because this information is truly so raw and beautiful. This week in Ism I plan on furthering developing my plan and include the-steps this would have been done in. I plan on doing this by dedication some time this week to just knock out this task. I miss my friends and I miss school but this has made me learn a lot more about my topic so it may be a blessing in disguise. Hope all is well to whoever reads this.

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