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  • mckennakostyszyn

Week 27 E-Learning

This past week I have been preparing to record my "final product' which is basically me giving my four key points a explanation and importance in modern day addiction problems. I have been preparing by memorizing my speech and practing it for my family. I have been trying to make it look as natural as possible and include good public speaking attributes like using my hands and movements appropriately. I also have been in contact with my mentor about getting my final product graded just to make sure I am on top of that deadline. I wont be able to send her this till Tuesday because I did purchase a better quality lens for my camera to record myself. I am very excited to explore this new technology. With that being said my plan this upcoming week is to record my "event" and finish my final speech. I am going to do this by keep rehearsing and when I feel prepared enough have my dad help take some professional footage of this speech. I plan on doing all of this by sticking with my schedule and trusting my instincts during the speaking. I find myself a good conversationalist and I am just going to imagine that it is me explaining my topic to a colleague I feel like this mindset will help me achieve the tone I am looking for in this speech. We are coming up on a bittersweet ending of this journey and I finally see the light at the end of this ISM tunnel a happy but also sad moment.

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