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  • mckennakostyszyn

Blog Week 6

This past week in ISM I figured out who I’d like my mentor to be officially. I also really have put much thought to what I would like my original work to be. I found what was most interesting to me about addiction counseling was what leads people to become addicted. I have found so far that it’s due to a lack of coping skills. So I’m really fascinated in finding a social emotional curriculum for coping skills and explaining emotional send comprehending how we’re feeling. I also re-tapped ISM I networked with several students from Liberty and Frisco. We are currently trying to share information and help each other out as much as possible. I really found this interesting that there was a group of students just so dedicated into helping the other one become successful. I really like the community that I have found within ISM and I’m really excited to see what the upcoming weeks hold. I also wrote a write up on the first addiction meeting I attended. I went to the kids one first and really observed what they were teaching these kids. The next one I believe I will go to is the family meeting where you get to see both sides of addiction.

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