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  • mckennakostyszyn

Blog Week 8

This past week in ISM I gave my mentor my packet and she officially agreed to being my mentor. That for me was so exciting I am so glad I will be going on this ISM journey with Shannon. I researched the basics of emotional social curriculum and wrote a paper on this. I learned a lot about the positives of SEL and the benefits it has besides just on the students. I also learned why the SEL has not been implemented yet. This to me was really good to hear because it gives me a starting point of what needs to be done in order to implement SEL in Texas. My plan of action for this upcoming week is to write reviews of the meetings I have attended at Grace of Change. I also plan to come up with a calendar of things that I have to do for the next nine weeks. I am really struggling with hitting my due dates on research assessments but I plan to change that with a new organizational method. I plan on scheduling new meeting with shannon and I am going to attend an event with her were she is speaking to Mckinney Highschool students. The upcoming weeks in ISM will be challenging yet rewarding for me. I know my hard work will be put to good use at the end of this all. I hope my new organizational strategies will be put to use and I will be able to meet all my deadlines.

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