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  • mckennakostyszyn

E-Learning Week 22

This past week we found out that we will still not be back in school till May 4th. That is crazy to me. I miss school and having a routine. On a ISM note this past week I've pretty much just continued researching my four topics i am writing my lesson plan on. Because that quite frankly is all I can do at this point. I am very curious to see how the future plays out I do not know if I am going to be able to produce something of quality with the current circumstances we have been given. I am going to continue to work hard this week and start drafting my final lesson plan. I as well am going to do our ISM check point paper that was due a week ago. I am doing this now because I feel like I am at a more appropriate place to be writing my progress where as before I did not feel like I could meet that progress criteria. My future plan are to finish my draft of my lesson plans make a written draft of my event. An publish these thongs online with a publishing website. Adversity builds character and that is a valuable lesson I am learning from this class!!

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