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  • mckennakostyszyn

Spring Break/Corona extended Break/ Week 20

I do have to say I feel like this year of ISM students have had the most interesting year. Over spring break I furthered my knowledge on what I would need to include in my new found four concepts to plan a hopeful event. I also reached out to my mentor and we both had a good conversation about where my goals should be in this lesson plan. This week I plan on finally finishing my annotated bibliography and getting ahead of my ISM workload. Luckily for me I do not think I should have to much struggle in furthering my knowledge on my concept ,but I am going to be missing meetings of which I could learn a great deal about my four main concepts. I also am going to come up with a plan of action with Shannon in case this corona quarantine goes into place. I want to have a set plan that will allow me to stay on track in the learning of my topic in a safe way. Very interesting past few weeks I have to say. A lot on our plates adapting to E learning and staying active with ISM. A challenge that will build character. I am hopeful for the future and hopeful that ISM FPN and end of the year markings will stay the same.

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