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  • mckennakostyszyn

Week 11

This past week and ISM was really really good for me. I was presented with the task of giving a 10 minute speech to my class. When I first thought of this, I thought that there was no way that I would be able to pull this off. Through sod preparation and good management of my time I ended up giving a great 10 minute speech and believe I obtained a 100% on this assignment. I also am researching more about ACL and I’m going to research more about Christian writing. My plans for this next upcoming week is to learn specifically about curriculum writing go talk to Shannon about what are the key things that I should put my SCO curriculum and set up a meeting with a curriculum writer to go over my ideas and what I need to do for my original work. I also would like to get ahead on some of my research assessments with this upcoming Thanksgiving break. I am traveling so I really am going to have to manage my travel time well to make sure I'm getting all of the things necessary for my original work and research assessments done It will definitely be a task that will require work and dedication. 

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