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  • mckennakostyszyn

Week 12

This past week in ISM was pretty relaxed ,but at the same time stressful. It was thanksgiving break so I finished up some research assessments and kind of did a recap on all the research that I did so far. Not really taxing this week, but I realized that our research for our original work is soon approaching. This week I'm going to reach out to Shannon and try to show her all of my research so far and see what she has to say on what I should still add to my research paper and if I have enough sources. I need to finalize my original work log and put it in a format that looks very aesthetically pleasing. Tomorrow I'm going to try and finish my research assessment and my self-evaluation speech form. Wednesday I'm going to reach out to Shannon and see if I can find a date with her next week that I can present her my original work. Thursday I'm going to spend a day at a coffee shop and really just put my original work all together and lace-up those final ends really try to finalize my research paper. Then this weekend and throughout the rest of the week I'm going to be definitely finalizing my winter showcase invitations ordering some lights and lettering for my display board and making sure that all of that stuff is ready for the event.

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