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  • mckennakostyszyn

Week 14

This week in ISM was so so very stressful. It was the week our original work was due. I was excited but also so nervous at the same time. I felt confident in what I turned in I just was stressed after receiving some very very tough love from our past teacher. I also started thinking about my display board. I created a pinterest board to come up with ideas for my decorating. I am going to try and come up with a way to coordinate my outfit to the whole theme i've kept for ISM. Over christmas break I hope to start drafting my 6t grade curriculum and draft 7th and 8th. I am hoping to come back with a solid outline ready to be edited by my mentor and other professionals. I am going to try and meet with a frisco isd curriculum writer when i get back from break. I cannot wait for the journey I am about to go on with this curriculum. Well blogs its been a good ride this fall semester I cant believe its over we've all seen the growth ups downs and angry upper case letters. Have a good christmas my little blogsters.

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