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  • mckennakostyszyn

Week 17

This past week in ISM. We have really been getting back on track with what we are supposed to be doing. We went over kind of a few changes to this semester that we did not have last semester. I honestly am a little nervous right now about how to start my original work. It feels like such a large mountain in front of me. I plan on trying to tackle this by making a detailed list of the necessary things I need to get done by (x) date. Time management is going to be so vital for this upcoming week. It is a struggle of mine but I plan to overcome it by being organized and using timers after school to track my work. I plan on this week working on a detailed calendar and timeline of what I need to be doing for my original work. Aside from that I will also be working on some research for my curriculum writing I feel like I have a very strong base of my SEL knowledge that what I really need to be focusing on is how to write what I know into coherent target goals and lessons plans.  Very exciting stuff this week in ISM week 17 should be hopeful.

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