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  • mckennakostyszyn

Week 18

This week in ISM I have really started diving in head first to my Original work. I have started researching my curriculum and started making a model of what I would like my outline to look like. I also drafted a almost final calendar of all the things I need to be doing to stay on task. This week I plan on using my knowledge of writing curriculum to come up with a firm outline and a firm calendar to meet with my mentor and show her and get her approval on everything. I need to get caught up on my missing research assessment of which i'm going to turn my notes of how to write a curriculum. I took very detailed and organized notes on the structure and how to do it. I also plan on meeting with Mrs.Brittain and discuss with her how I should go about this curriculum. I also need to prepare for my speech I will be giving to my ISM class on tuesday the 25th. I am a tad overwhelmed right now and I need to reorganize my ISM life. All very exciting stuff though. It will all pay off in the end if I do this right. I plan on meeting with my mentor on monday and discussing with her my ISM plan on my original work. Since she did not come to my winter showcase I will as well need to try and capture a good photo with her. I can't wait to continue with my ISM journey and hopefully make a great product.

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