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  • mckennakostyszyn

Blog Week 4

Week 4- This past week for me in ISM has been the most exciting. I had my interviews and they went absolutely fabulous. I really got to learn more about what professionals think that the field is lacking and what they think needs to change about the mental health and addiction system. This upcoming week I am going in sitting in on a teenage meeting for addicts. I believe that I have found my mentor I went to grace of change in McKinney and it was one of the most eye-opening places that I have ever seen. I am a little nervous about sitting in on my first meeting. I’m really interested as to what I’m going to hear when I’m gonna see what it’s going to be like. I’m also nervous in the fact that I don’t want anybody to feel like I’m intruding on their recovery. I think there’s a lot of emotions that these people are having when they’re having to be super vulnerable in front of a group. I feel like this experience will overall open my eyes to a lot of things that we don’t even realize are going on with kids that are at our schools. I am super excited on learning about what do they teach these kids at these meetings. I really really cannot wait to see the curriculum that is presented to them. The business symposium is on Wednesday and I am extremely excited to get to be a part of that. I’m really hoping that I’ll be able to find somebody who maybe has written curriculum in some point of their career.

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