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  • mckennakostyszyn

Week 5

Week 5-  So this past week we had business symposium and it was such an amazing learning experience. It was the first time I really got to experience networking. Being put in a big room filled with random people from so many different backgrounds with such different skill sets was so exciting to me. I had some great conversations with some really cool people. I also got to sit in on a kids addiction meeting. It was so cool to me to get to witness growth literally in front of my eyes. Some of these kids had hefty criminal records, but were some of the nicest people I have ever met. This experience really taught me you can't judge people by their cover and you can't let your perception of people take over. One of the people that interviewed me at business symposium reached out to me and said I had great natural GRIT and let him know if I ever needed a recommendation. This to me was such a confidence boost to realize my interview skills are not bad and I can actually articulate myself well.My Interviews went very very well. I spoke with two people one was a ex-curriculum writer for Frisco. I spoke with a business owner/investor from this area as well. My feedback from this first woman was that I was a very good conversationalist and had a lot of knowledge. My thing I needed to work on from her was that she did not feel in control of the conversation. I was pretty upset when I heard this because  I was genuinely confused on how it was my fault she didn't lead the conversation. Other than that she was very nice and knowledgeable of writing curriculum. I was very excited to hear this because I really want my final product to be a published curriculum over social-emotional skills

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