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  • mckennakostyszyn

Week 9

This past week has been one that definitely tried and challenged me. I was extremely stressed this past week about finishing assessments and starting my original work. I felt lost I had to go back to the core of why I joined this program. To better myself and hopefully better a industry. I got myself back into gear and really put my mind to what I would like to get out of my original work. I have been researching a lot about the Social- Emotional curriculum being started in Texas. I found that there was very little curriculum actually being put in action in schools. There is a lot of curriculums out there and being talked about there is just very little action happening with them. This upcoming week I plan on getting my assessments done early in the week. I plan on spending the rest of my time really researching for my original work . I plan to research the laws and procedures about getting a new curriculum mandated in the state of texas. I also want to set up a meeting with my mentor and discuss with her my plans for my original work. I really am going to dig deep this week and hopefully get a good chunk of my research I need out of the way.

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