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Blog Week 6

This past week in ISM I figured out who I’d like my mentor to be officially. I also really have put much thought to what I would like my...

Week 5

Week 5-  So this past week we had business symposium and it was such an amazing learning experience. It was the first time I really got...

Blog Week 4

Week 4- This past week for me in ISM has been the most exciting. I had my interviews and they went absolutely fabulous. I really got to...

Blog Week 3

This week I scheduled two interviews. I learned some great skills of how to deal with rejection. My two interviews are both with...

Blog Week 2

This week I did another research assessment and called several addictive Psychiatry places. This week I learned more about the certain...

Blog Week 1

This past week I really dived head first into the basics of addictive psychiatry. I did my first research assessment where I learned more...

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